Spyglass is independent of any 3rd party, search engine, like Google, Bing, APIs, etcetera.
Our servers scan directly the target sites, giving an enhanced level of reliability, privacy and security
Spyglass search over our Target Sites Library, where we keep updated all the desired places where to look.
This allows to consider very specific targets like regions, countries, states, cities, specific sites.
Media Sites, blogs, newsletters, Social Networks, etcetera
Spyglass sends alerts every 2hs or the desired lapse
Spyglass groups the alerts by region, country, state, city and subject and send them selectively to the preselected destination email addresses, SMS and Whatsapp
Spyglass can be configured to login and execute specific actions on sites
Can easily access subscription sites and sites protected with login
Spyglass stores all the alerts and enables web access to them and to define customized analytics
We are adding AI Deep machine Learning, Fuzzy Logic and ChatGPT analysis to the service
The email alert shows the Account title, number of alerts in this email, and for each alert, the Target Site and type, its Country, State, City, a brief about the mention with the expressions of interest highlighted and a link to the original page.
Email Alert example
Email Alert example
Spyglass is an Interwave's spinoff.
Interwave llc, www.IW-Global.com , has other very remarkable spinoffs like Voip Group, Inc from where envisioned, developed, implemented and maintained systems for NASA for 12 years
Define the Regions, Countries, States, Cities, Sites where to look
Define the set of terms or expressions to look for
Define how often to look
Define who will receive the grouped alerts
Regular calls & WhatsApp